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Borneo Waste Industries Sdn Bhd


Borneo Waste Industries Sdn Bhd (BWI) is a waste management service provider based in Sabah, Malaysia. 

  • In April 2018, BWI executed a 30-year concession agreement to develop and operate the Integrated Waste Management Processing Plant (IWMPP) at the Kayu Madang Sanitary Landfill (KMSL), Sabah.
  • BWI aims to recycle up to 90% of waste from the KMSL by processing up to 800 tonnes per day through environmentally sustainable technologies
  • The ECF campaign is an opportunity to realise the value of this investment (or a portion thereof) through an offer for sale on a pro rata basis in a private placement exercise which is anticipated to occur within 12 months following the ECF campaign. 
  • The maximum target to be raised of RM2,999,986 for 6.7% equity in the company is based on a company valuation of RM42,023,516 for this ECF exercise.
  • The company valuation based on a net present value of projected cashflows over the concession period is approximately RM100 million which values the 6.7% equity stake offered to ECF investors at RM6.7 million.
  • In the event the offer for sale in the private private placement exercise does not materialise for whatever reason, investors will have the opportunity to participate in dividends which are expected to be declared in year 3 (or later) onwards of operations. The indicative return on investment based on a project free cash flow to the company is approximately 8 years. The project internal rate of return is approximately 29% based on company financial projections.

Campaign Closed RM 649,774 raised
144% Complete
144% of target 0 days left
Min Target RM 450,034
Max TargetRM 2,999,986


The aspirations of the project are threefold: economic, environmental and social sustainability.

BWI aims to maximise the recovery of incoming waste into the landfill, to enhance the market for intermediary materials and set a precedent for economically viable waste management projects in Sabah. Other aspirations include prolonging the lifespan of the KMSL as well as managing leachate generation in a sustainable manner.

Project Objectives

  • Divert up to 90% of waste from disposal to the KMSL by processing up to 800 tonnes per day which includes electronic waste (e-waste) and waste from domestic, commercial and industrial sources.
  • Sort the waste and subsequently process these waste with an environmentally sustainable technology to produce useful intermediary products for various industries.
  • Maximise the lifespan of the KMSL and reduce the generation of landfill gases that are harmful to the environment.

What We Do

The Challenge

Current KMSL conditions have created a negative social impact in the form of illegal scavenging activities, foul odour and rodent infestation. BWI will transform the KMSL into a recycling centre, with the aim of alleviating the negative social impacts on the local communities in Sabah.

Our Solution

BWI aims to design, build, finance and operate an Integrated Waste Management Processing Plant (IWMPP) around the theme of environmental sustainability by implementing the following:

  • Diversion of disposal of waste from landfill cells to preserve landfill space, through recycling and recovery activities.
  • Ensure adequate treatment of organic waste, and hence avoid hygienic hazards caused by organic waste degradation.
  • Reduce carbon footprint of waste disposal by eliminating methane emission, reducing wastewater generation, and promoting use of recyclables to substitute virgin materials.
  • Application of Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) system as it utilises minimal energy consumption.
  • Application of bio-based treatment in the MBT system to eliminate the use of chemicals and other synthetic materials.

The IWMPP will sort the waste at KMSL and subsequently process these waste with environmentally sustainable technologies to produce useful intermediary products for various industries.

Long-term employment opportunities will be created throughout the 30-year lifespan of the project.


Why Are We Different



30-year Concession Agreement

On 16th April 2018, BWI executed a concession agreement with the Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (Kota Kinabalu City Hall) to operate and process up to 800 tonnes of waste at the KMSL daily.


Tax Incentives

At least 5 years tax exemption and 2% interest rebate

BWI is able to operate with lower financing costs, being eligible for various benefits and incentives such as Pioneer Tax Status, which comprises income tax exemption of at least 70% for a minimum period of 5 years and participation in the Green Technology Financing Scheme, which enjoys a 2% interest rate rebate.


Electricity Savings

Saving over RM600,000 p.a. in electricity cost 

Upon the installation of its rooftop solar panels, BWI will participate in the Solar Net Energy Metering Programme, contributing not only to a greener planet but also enhancing profit margins.


Recycled Plastics

Recycle waste equivalent to >800,000 plastic bottles daily

BWI effectively prevents over 800,000 plastic bottles equivalent of plastic waste from being disposed at the KMSL daily and generates a sustainable source of plastic products.

Our Revenue Model

With its own manufacturing facilities and established business partnerships, BWI will be producing the following products:



Products such as High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP) and Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) are sold as pellets, whereas Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastics are sold as flakes.



Organic fertiliser is rich in essential plant nutrients, with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentration that is greater than 9%.



Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is a renewable and cheaper substitute for coal, commonly used as fuel in energy intensive processes such as brick or cement manufacturing.



Comprises of recyclable papers and metals that do not undergo further downstream processing at IWMPP and are immediately sold to other downstream manufacturers.



Biogas generated from organic fractions of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is compressed and bottled as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) that can be sold for commercial and industrial use.



Extracted e-waste components such as circuit boards and chips will be sold to other downstream players for further recycling.



RDF pellets are fed into a gasification plant to produce power that is sold to the grid.


The Sale of:

Product Price Per Tonne
1. Recovered Plastics PET Flakes RM 1,300
PP Pellets/HDPE Flakes RM 1,344
LDPE Pellets RM 432
2. Organic Fertiliser RM 1,100
3. RDF Pellets RM 175
4. Other Recyclables Newspaper RM 380
Cardboard RM 330
Ferrous Metal RM 1,500
Aluminium RM 4,200
5. Bottled CNG RM 2,000
6. E-Waste Components RM 2,000
7. WTE Power (Option) Based on applicable FIT rates

Our Market Opportunity

We will be selling to long term customers globally (recyclers, power purchasers, horticulturists, etc) or through the open market in Malaysia & Asia.

Sabah Population

Sabah’s population is projected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.7% to reach 5.6 mil by 2033.

As Sabah’s population gradually concentrates in urban regions surrounding Kota Kinabalu, greater amounts of waste are expected to be delivered to the KMSL.

MSW Sabah

Sabah is projected to generate 3,867 tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) per day by 2020, demonstrating a CAGR of 5.3%. 

The trajectory of Sabah’s growth in terms of population and spending power would induce greater amount of consumption of discretionary and non-discretionary goods, in turn creating larger amount of waste. 

Our Strategy

Implementation of the Project

The overall implementation of the project is divided into two main phases as detailed below:


Oct '18

Commenced manual sorting operations at KMSL for period of 24 months. Cash flows generated will be channeled to fund initial working capital.


  • Material recovery facility
  • Anaerobic digestion plant
  • Recovered plastics plant
  • Bottled CNG plant
  • E-waste recycling centre
  • RDF pellet plant
Jul '20

Construction expected to commence

Aug '21

Construction expected to be complete

Sep '21

Expected to begin operating


  • Installation of gasification plant
Jan '22

Construction expeted to commence

Jan '24

Expected to start generating power for sale to the grid


  • Organic fertiliser plant
Jul '22

Construction expected to commence

Mar '23

Construction expected to be complete

Apr '23

Expected to begin operating

Oct '23

Doubling production capacity with additional 37 TPD manufacturing line


  • Installation of rooftop solar panels
Nov '23

Construction expected to begin

May '24

Expected to start generating solar energy for electricity requirements


The IWMPP will be developed over a period of 4 years, from 2020 to 2024

IWMPP Phase 1 IWMPP Phase 2

Our Achievements


BWI executed a 30-year concession agreement with DBKK to develop and operate the IWMPP at the KMSL from April 2018 to April 2048.


Projected Financials

Projected Financial Performance (RM, mil)

Projected Financial Performance

EBITDA Revenue


Revenue CAGR: approx. 4.9%

EBITDA CAGR: approx. 5.9%

Average GP Margin: approx. 64.3%

Average PAT Margin: approx. 38.8%


IWMPP Cash Flow Over 30-Year Concession (RM, mil)

IWMPP Cash Flow



Net Operating Cash Flow

Free Cash Flow to Shareholders


Base Facilities is projected to be BWI’s largest revenue contributor over the concession period. In contrast, the organic fertiliser plant will be the largest contributor of free cash flows to BWI’s shareholders.

Indicative Usage of Funds

BWI Use of Funds



Site Preparation Costs


Pre-Operating Expenses, Working Capital & Repayments  


IWMPP’s Professional Fees

The Team

Raven Sockanathan

Raven Sockanathan

Founder & CEO



Technical Director

Chandrasekhar Arun

Chandrasekhar Arun

Project Director

Sitharthan Maran

Sitharthan Maran

Administrative & Finance Manager

Hj Idris Bin Ali

Hj Idris Bin Ali

Corporate Relations Director

Christopher B Charles

Christopher B. Charles

Financial Planner

Term Sheet

Risk Disclaimer

Investing in equity crowdfunding involves certain risks that include uncertainty of returns, lack of liquidity, dilution, material events and lack of control. Investments should be done as part of a diversified portfolio. ATA PLUS offers investment opportunities to investors who understands these risks in making their own investment decisions.


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